Northeast Forestry University
Computer Science and Technology Teaching Team
  • Li Yang

    Associate Professor, master supervisor

    5211 talent plan of Northeast Forestry University (young backbone teachers). Dr. in computer application technology of Harbin Institute of Technology. Her main research interests are natural language processing, information retrieval and social media mining. Member of China computer society, vice chairman of CCF YOCSEF Harbin 2021, presided over the youth project of the National Natural Science Foundation, the general project of Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation, the Doctoral Fund Project of Heilongjiang Province and other scientific research projects. More than ten SCI / EI search papers have been published, including top international journals such as ACM transactions on intelligent systems and Technology (ACM TIST) and Neurocomputing. At present, he is the reviewer of international journals such as knowledge-based systems (KBS), Neurocomputing, ACM transactions on Asian and low resource language information processing (TALLIP).

  • Zhao Xudong

    Associate Professor, Master Supervisor

    In 2003 he earned a bachelor degree in the Automatic Testing and Control, a master degree in the Computer Science and Technology in 2007, later a doctoral degree in Artificial Intelligence and Information Processing all from the College of Computer School in Harbin Institute of Technology, after that attained Postdoctoral Fellow in Computer Science and Engineering from Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is the winner of the 5211 Talent Program (Young Key Teacher) of Northeast Forestry University. His main research focus is biostatistics, machine learning, image processing, pattern recognition. He published more than 22 scientific and technical papers including over 10 SCI (6 SCI papers in Q1 District 2017-2019, as the first or corresponding author), 10 EI papers (including 2 in the field’s top journals – “computer research and development”, “automation journal” and 3 for Important International Conferences in the field - VCIP2013, VCIP2011).

  • Shi Ce

    Ph.D., Lecturer.

    His main research focus is Computer Vision, Evolutionary Algorithms.

  • Liu Meiling

    Ph.D., Associate Professor

    After graduating from Harbin Institute of Technology in Computer Science and Technology, she has been sponsored by the National Fund to study at a well-known university in the United States, as a visiting scholar. She is mainly engaged in the research on forestry information engineering and computer technology, data mining, natural language processing, big data analytics, social media, intelligent transportation. She has chaired 4 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation etc., participated in more than 10 scientific research projects, and published 2 textbooks and more than 10 academic papers.

  • Shan Ying

    Ph.D., Lecturer

    She is mainly engaged in the research on Software Engineering and Forestry Information, participated in various scientific research projects and published relevant papers.

  • Dong Benzhi

    Ph.D., Associate Professor

    Master Supervisor in Computer Science and Technology

    His research focuses on the application research of machine vision in forestry, the application research and design development of intelligent control technology in woodworking machinery products. He completed the research and development of the CAD/CAM/CNC control software as the technical leader in Nanxing Equipment Co., Ltd., and published more than 30 academic papers. He has recruited 30 graduate students, and many graduates’ theses were rated as the school-level outstanding graduation theses.

  • Jing Weipeng

    Associate professor, Doctoral Supervisor

    Vice Dean of the College of Information and Computer Engineering, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Forestry Data Science and Cloud Computing of the State Forestry Administration.

    As a visiting scholar, he went to study at the National University of Singapore and University of Western Australia, Australia. His main research areas are cloud computing and edge computing resource management, distributed storage and mining of remote sensing images, large-scale distributed machine learning system, etc. He is currently a member of the Professional Committee of Computer Applications of the China Computer Society, a member of the Cloud Computing Expert Committee of the China Electronics Society, a member of the Computer Application Sub-Committee of the China Forest Society, an executive director of Heilongjiang Automation Society, and chairman of the YOCSEF Harbin 2018-2019. He presided over more than 20 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation, Public Welfare Forestry Industry Special Fund, Heilongjiang Province Natural Fund, China Postdoctoral Science Fund, Harbin Youth Fund, Key Laboratory Open Fund and Cross-sectional Scientific Research Projects. He published a total of more than 60 papers including more than 20 SCI journal papers, co-published 3 monographs and was authorized 6 national invention patents. He is now a senior member of the Chinese Computer Society, IEEE, and ACM. He is also the paper review expert of the Software Journal, the Journal of Communication, IEEE and several international journals, as well as the chair of various international conferences.