Northeast Forestry University
Chemistry Teaching Team
  • Peng Jinsong

    Professor, Ph.D.

    program leader of organic chemistry in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He graduated from Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science in 2007 with a doctorate degree. Since then,hehas worked in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization, Northeast Forestry University. In terms of scientific research,heclosely combines the characteristics of theNEFU, engages in the chemical synthesis of active natural products andtheirderivativesofplant resources, and developsitsapplications in the field of medicine.He published 28 SCI papers with a total of 97 impact factors, including 10 papers in JCR 1 area and 14 papers in 2 area. These papers have been cited more than 590 times, andoneof themhasevenbeen cited 115 times.The average citation of these papershasreached22 times.Twopapers were featured and reviewed by Synfact, aninternational chemical journal.One paperwas published as a cover highlightarticle.Fivepaperswere reported by the Organic Chemistry Portal, an international organic chemistry website, and drew great attention from the international academiccommunity.One academic monograph waspublished by the Science PublishingHouse; four invention patentswereauthorized. He has hosted more than 10 projectsworth 1.9 million RMB, which are sponsored bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Special Postdoctoral Fund of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, and the Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of the Central Colleges and Universities(includingClass DOutstandingYoungScientificResearchTalentFundProject and Class EInnovationTeam andMajorProjectCultivationFundProjects).

  • Ma Hongwei

    Ph.D., Associate Professor

    Teacher of the Department of Organic Chemistry in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    In June 2017, he earned a Ph.D. in science in National Key Laboratory of Supermolecular Structures and Materials from Jilin University, later in July 2017, as high-level talent, was introduced to the College of Chemistry, Chemical Chemistry and Resource Utilization of Northeast Forestry University. In December 2017, he entered the postdoctoral mobile station for forestry engineering to conduct scientific research. His main research focus is cellulose-based photoelectric intelligent materials and portable fluorescent sensor development. In recent years, as the first or corresponding author, he published 6 SCI papers in Advanced Functional Materials, Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical and other internationally renowned journals, of which there are one IF> 1 article and five IF> 6 articles. One article was reported as a cover highlight, which has received extensive attention from the international academic community, and some of his research results have been successfully transformed into commercial products. He co-authored and published 14 high-level SCI papers including Advanced Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Power Sources, and authorized 4 invention patents and 2 technology transfer patents. He presided over 7 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Heilongjiang Provincial Excellent Youth Fund, Chinese Postdoctoral Special Funding, First Class Funding for Chinese Post-doctors, Heilongjiang Provincial Doctoral Funding, and the Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities.

  • Jia Peiyun

    Associate Professor, Master Supervisor


    In March 2006, he obtained a PhD degree in inorganic chemistry from the Key Laboratory of Rare-earth Chemistry and Physics of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science. He obtained a master degree in environmental engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in June 2003, and a bachelordegreeofsciencefrom the Department of Chemistry of Yanbei Normal University in Shanxi Province in June 1992. He is currently an associate professor at theCollegeof Science of Northeast Forestry University, amemberof theChemistrySocietyofHeilongjiang Province, a master supervisorofapplied chemistry, a director of the teaching and researchofficeof inorganic chemistry, and asubject leader ofchemistry.He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of nanomaterials, solid chemistry, solid state surfaces and interfaces etc.He haspublished 22 scientific papers, of which 14 were SCIpapers citedover300 times.One paperwasretrieved byEI, and sevenwerepublishedin ChineseCore Journals.

  • Cao Jingjing

    Lecturer, Ph.D.

    in the Inorganic Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization

    She graduated from Harbin Normal University with a Masterdegreeof Science in inorganic chemistry in June 2004.She graduated fromtheNortheast Forestry University with a Ph.D.of forestry chemistry in June, 2014. She has given theoretical and experimentallecturesin inorganic chemistry, inorganic chemistry B, inorganic and analytical chemistry, general chemistry, chemistry, coordination chemistry and chemistry teaching theory etc.She obtained theNortheast Forestry University Award for Excellent Teaching Quality, and participated in the construction of online courses and the compiling of multiple textbooks.

  • Xu Jiating

    Ph.D. of Engineering, Professor

    Doctoral Supervisor in the Inorganic Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization

    He graduated from the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Northeast Forestry University with a Bachelor degree of Science in applied chemistry in June 2014. From September 2014 to June 2019, he studied materials science and engineering at the School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering in Harbin Engineering University, and obtained a master and a doctorate degree in engineering. He once worked as a research assistant at the School of Health Science of the University of Macau. In September 2019, he was engagedin teaching and research at the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization, Northeast Forestry University.In terms of scientific research, he is mainly engaged in the research of rare earth lighting multifunctional nanomaterials and nano-biological agents. He has published more than 40 SCI papers in famous international journals, like ACS Nano, Chemical Science (the flag journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry), Advanced Functional Material, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Biomaterials, Chemistry of Materials, Small etc. His papers have been cited over 820 times by Google. Among them, there are 16 papers published as the first author or the first co-author in the SCI 1 area, 2 papers highly cited by ESI, 7 papers with the impact factor (IF)> 10, and the accumulated IF of his papers is over 150. His research work has been reported by RSC Publishing, MaterialsViews and other authoritative online media.He was authorized5 invention patents. His doctoral dissertation was nominated for the Chemistry and Materials Jingbo Doctoral Dissertation Award of the China Chemical Industry Society in 2019. During his doctoral study period, he received funding from the Harbin Engineering University Doctoral Research and Innovation Fund Project (HEUGIP201713) (100,000 yuan). When recruited by the NEFU, He was sponsored by the Outstanding Young Scholars Scientific Research Start-up Fund (2.6 million yuan).

  • Wang Chong

    Lecturer, PhD

    in the Physical Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization

    He graduated from Jilin University with a PhD degree in physical chemistry in 2013 and has worked in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization, Northeast Forestry University since 2014. In terms of scientific research, he is mainly engaged in the research on the electronic properties and surface adsorption of low-dimensional nanomaterials, and related catalytic reaction mechanisms. He has published more than 10 SCI papers in Journal of Materials Chemistry and otherA-leveljournals, and presided2special fund projectssponsored by theBasicScientificResearchBusinessExpensesofCentralUniversities.

  • Liao Lixia

    Associate Professor, Ph.D.

    in the Analytical Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    Shegraduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a doctorate degree in chemical engineering and technology in 2013. From 2019 to 2020,shewasa visiting scholar attheSchool of Chemical Engineering,Purdue University. Interms ofscientific research,she is mainly engaged in the preparation of key materials for lithium ion batteries and research on lithium storage performance, whichincludes energy conversion and utilization of biomass materials, preparation of metal oxide nanomaterials, research on electrochemical performance, and analysis of the attenuation mechanism of lithium storage battery performance.Shehas hosted more than 10 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Heilongjiang Province Natural Science Foundation, Harbin Innovative Talents Project, Postdoctoral Natural Science Foundation,and theSpecialFundProjectfor Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities.She haspublished more than 20 academic papers including SCIPapersintheinternational journals. She was authorized3 invention patents.

  • Niu Na

    Associate Professor, Ph.D.

    in the Analytical Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    She graduated from Harbin Engineering University in 2009 with a bachelor degree in chemical engineering and technology.She obtaineda PhD in materials science in 2013 from Harbin Engineering University.She is mainly engaged in the designsynthesis of multifunctional nanocomposites and its application in the field of biomedicine.Shehaspublished 15 SCI papers as the first and corresponding author, and won the first prize of HarbinScience andTechnologyAwardand the second prize of HeilongjiangScience andTechnologyAward.She presided over one projectsponsored bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China forYoungScholars,one projectbythe Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,oneprojectbytheChinesePost-doctoralSurfaceFunding, one projectbytheChinesePost-doctoralSpecialFunding, one project byHeilongjiangProvincePost-doctoral Surface Funding, and twoSpecialFundProjectsfor Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities.

  • Liu Zhiguo

    Professor, Ph.D.

    in the Key Open Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resources Utilization

    He graduated from the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Science with a Ph.D.of science.In 2008, he completed his research work at the Biology Postdoctoral Mobile Station oftheNortheast Forestry University. From August 2013 to August 2014, he was avisiting scholar in theDepartment of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Davis,under the supervision ofProfessor Katherine W. Ferrara (Academician of the American Academy of Engineering).Hiscurrent researchincludesthe single-molecule microstructure of biological macromolecules (such as DNA molecules, protein molecules,andpolymer macromolecules), as well as the scanning probe microscopy imaging analysis and research of their assembly structure and function, andthe preparation, characterization and applicationofbiomass compositematerials.He has published more than 50 SCI papers based onhisresearch results.His representativepapers werepublished intheinternationalEnglishjournals such asMicroscopy and Microanalysis,Nanotechnology,Coloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,Materials Science and Engineering C,Microscopy Research and Technique,Journal Of Microscopyetc.

  • Wang Ting

    Professor, Ph.D.

    in the Analytical Chemistry Office, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He obtained amaster degree in 2006and a doctorate degree in 2011in chemical processing engineeringofforestry productsfromtheNortheast Forestry University.From 2018 to 2019,hewent tothe Department ofChemistry and Molecular BiologyEngineering,Georgia Institute ofTechnologyas a visiting scholar. In terms of scientific research, he is engaged in the research on the combination of cellulosic biomass and cyclodextrin polysaccharide. He haspublished more than 40 papers inthewell-known journals such asCarbohyd. Polym.,Food Chem.,Biomaterial.Sci.etc. asthe first or corresponding author,which include 8 papers published inJCR Q1 area and 23SCIpapers. He was authorized5 invention patents. In 2018, he publishedoneacademic monograph.He hashosted 9 projects sponsoredby the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Heilongjiang Province Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Fund, andHeilongjiangProvincePostdoctoral Fund. As the main participant,he hascompleted 2surfaceprojects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

  • Sun Tiedong

    Associate Professor, Ph.D.

    in the Analytical Chemistry Office of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2016 with a doctorate degree in biomedical engineering.In2015, hewas sponsored by the OutstandingDoctoralStudentInternationalExchangeProgram tostudy at theSchool of Medicine,Yale University. Interms ofscientific research, he is engaged in the synthesis of nano-biomedical materials and its application in the field of integrated tumor diagnosis and treatment. He has published more than 20 SCI papers in internationally renowned journals such asAdv. Mater.,Angew. Chem.,ACS Nano, etc.including more than 10 papers published inthe JCR 1 area.Thetotalimpactfactorof his papers isabout100, of which 2paperhavetheimpact factor> 20.He presided overtheprojectssponsored bythe National Natural Science Foundation of China, HeilongjiangProvinceExcellent Youth Fund, andSpecialFund forBasicScientificResearchBusinessExpenses ofCentralUniversities.

  • Zhao Xiuhua

    Ph.D., Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

    Head of the Field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    In 2001, he earned a Bachelor degree of Engineering in Pharmaceutical Engineering from Hubei University of Technology, a Master degree of Science in Biomedical Engineering from South China University of Technology in 2004, and a Ph.D. from Northeast Forestry University in 2009. From 2011 to 2013, he conducted Post-doctoral research at Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Then from March to August in 2015, as a visiting scholar, he went to study at the Biological Resources Center of Louisiana State University in the United States. His main research focus is the high-value processing and utilization of plant resources. He has undertaken 15 scientific research including the 13th Five-Year Plan for the National Key Research and Development Plans, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Heilongjiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund, the State Forestry Administration Key Project, the National Forest Science and Technology Achievement Promotion Project, and the horizontal research projects commissioned by enterprises, with a total contract cost of more than 12 million yuan. He published more than 80 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author, and 2 academic monographs, won 13 authorized invention patents including 4 utility models, 1 provincial first prize for technological invention (No.3), 1 provincial first prize for scientific and technological progress (No.5), 1 provincial second prize for natural science (No.2), second prize(No.2) and third prize(No.1) of the Liang Xi Forestry Science and Technology. He is a peer review expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Heilongjiang Province Natural Science Foundation, Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation, Beijing Natural Science Foundation as well as a number of well-known SCI journals.

  • Jiang Shougang

    Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor

    Teacher of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He earned a Master degree of medicinal chemistry from China Pharmaceutical University, Ph.D. of biology from the Northeast Forestry University, and completed his postdoctoral research in Hisun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. From 1996 to 2002, he developed new drugs in Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, later in 2016, as a visiting scholar, went to study at the USDA Southern Research Station and Baylor College of Medicine in the United States. He mainly teaches biochemistry, modern pharmacology research methods and some other postgraduate courses. His main research focus is anti-tumor drug research and development. As an editor-in-chief, he published 1 monograph in the Science Publishing House, participated in the compiling of 3 textbooks and monographs, chaired 1 national sub-project, 2 provincial and ministerial projects, 2 bureau-level projects, presided over 4 horizontal projects, obtained two national patents, and published more than 10 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author.

  • Gu Chengbo

    Ph.D., Associate professor

    Teacher of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He earned a Ph.D. in Science from China Agricultural University in June 2006 and went to study at the University of California, Davis, USA, as a visiting scholar, from 2015 to 2016. His main research focus is the research and utilization of natural medicinal plant resources and microbial resources, plant-microbial interaction, the synthesis and regulation of secondary metabolites of plants (microbes) and their ecological effects. He has published more than 50 academic papers and won the First Prize of Science and Technology Invention in Heilongjiang Province twice, one third prize of the Heilongjiang Province Science and Technology Progress Award, second prize and third prize of the Liangxi Forestry Science and Technology Award. He presided over a number of projects sponsored by the Heilongjiang Province Surface Natural Fund, the13th Five-Year PlanNational Key Research and Development Fund, and the special sub-project of scientific research in the national forestry public welfare industry, the special fund project for scientific and technological innovation talents in Harbin, the special fund project for basic scientific research business expenses of the central universities, and the horizontal cooperation projects of enterprises etc.

  • Hou Juan

    Ph.D., Associate Professor

    Teacher of the Department of Analytical Chemistry in the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    She earned a Bachelor degree of Science in Chemistry from Jilin University in 2012 and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Jilin University in 2017. Her main research focus is the preparation and performance research of biomass carbon-based nanomaterials as well as the establishment of pollutant analysis methods. She published more than 20 SCI papers in internationally renowned journals including Nanoscale, 2D Materials, Chemical Communications, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. She presided over the projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China’s Postdoctoral Surface Fund, Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Surface Fund, and Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities, etc.

  • Sun Mingli

    Ph.D., Lecturer

    Teacher of the College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Resource Utilization.

    He earned a Bachelor degree of Science from the College of Chemistry of Northeast Normal University in 2002, a Master degree of Science in Instrument Analysis from East China Normal University in 2005, and a doctoral degree of Science in Organic and Biophotoelectronics from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2015. His main research focus is aromatics synthesis chemistry, functional organic materials, organic optoelectronic devices etc. He published 7 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author in Chin. J. Chem., Synth. Met., Org. Electron., J. Mater. Chem. C. Tetra, Tetra, Gen. Chem. Etc. and presided over 3 projects sponsored by the Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses of Central Universities.

  • Jiang Dawei

    Ph.D., Lecturer

    From September 2012 to September 2013, he served as Deputy Mayor of Science and Technology in Yuqi Town, Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, and also served as Deputy General Manager of Wuxi New Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd. Affiliated to the Harbin Institute of Technology. From November 2013 to March 2015, he was a joint training doctor at Texas State University, Lamar. In June 2015, he earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Technology from the University of Kazakhstan. He is currently an editorial board member of the Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials Journal. His main research focus is the synthesis and application of flexible strain sensors, flame retardant material preparation and composite surface interface research. He published 24 research papers in internationally renowned journals as well as two textbooks entitled “Organic Chemistry Experiment” and “Organic Chemistry” as editor-in-chief. Besides he chaired 1 Project of Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund, 1 project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and one projects sponsored by the Heilongjiang Province Post-doctoral Foundation and Special Foundation.