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The International Academic Forum on Computer Science and Advanced Materials between Northeast Forestry University and University of Technology Sydney was successfully held

In order to welcome the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the university,Aulin College organized the International Academic Forum on Computer Science and Advanced Materials, a series of academic activities of "Climbing the Academic Summit". At 13:00 pm on June 2, Beijing time, the International Academic Forum on Computer Science and Advanced Materials between Northeast Forestry University and University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, was successfully held in the 101 Lecture Hall of Aulin College. Four experts and scholars from the two universities and teachers from UTS International Department gathered in the cloud and brought a series of wonderful reports to the majority of teachers and students. The academic forum was presided over by Professor Liu Zhiming, Dean of the Aulin College.

The academic report is divided into two topics. The topics of computer science are respectively addressed by Associate Professor Li Yang , School of Information and Computing Engineering of Northeast Forestry University and Dr. Bo Liu , School of Computer Science of University of Technology Sydney. The topics of advanced materials manufacturing are respectively addressed by Professor Huang Haibo, School of Materials of Northeast Forestry University and Professor Renping Liu , School of Engineering and Information Technology of University of Technology Sydney.

Associate Professor Li Yang's report entitled "Drug Targeting Interaction Based on Graph Neural Network" mainly introduces drug targeting prediction and representative work, and points out that drug targeting interaction prediction is of great significance for narrowing the range of candidate drugs.

Dr. Bo Liu, School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney, presented a report entitled "Security and Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", focusing on the development of secure systems in the context of artificial intelligence to achieve privacy friendly data protection.

The report title of Professor Huang Haibo fromNEFUis "Graphene from Preparation to Application", which explores the challenges of the post lithium ion battery era with graphene as the basic material.


Professor Renping Liu of University of Technology Sydney gave a report entitled "Research Summary: Network and Network Security", which first introduced the network and network security discipline of UTS; Taking the common network infrastructures such as Wifi and 5G closely related to life as examples, this paper further introduces the latest research results of data security and network security.

Finally, Ms. Connie Cui, Director of the International Department of the University of Technology Sydney, introduced the general situation of the University of Technology Sydney and related master's joint training projects. Dean Liu Zhiming thanked the experts for their wonderful sharing. He hoped that through this meeting, he would deepen his understanding of the Joint Research Institute of Aulin, and take the Joint Research Institute of Aulin as a platform to broaden the way for NEFU students to study for master's degree, and lay a foundation for further research cooperation in multiple fields. (Text and picture: Liu Xiangyue)