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Aulin College Holds the Joint Committee of Teachers and Students and the Spring Semester of 2022 Academic Year Mid-term teaching inspection student symposium

At noon on May 31, 2022, the Joint Committee of Teachers and Students ofAulin College and the Mid term Teaching Inspection Student Symposium were held in Classroom 401 of Olympian Teaching Building. Members of the Joint Committee of Teachers and Students of Aulin Collegeand nearly 50 school committees of all majors and grades attended the meeting.

At the symposium, Professor Yan Lin from the College's Teaching Management Office gave a detailed introduction to the department ownership, functions and roles of the Joint Committee of Teachers and Students ofAulin College. The Joint Committee of Teachers and Students of Aulin College aims to establish a smooth and effective communication bridge between students, teachers and the college, to timely transmit teaching information, feedback teaching opinions and supervise daily teaching activities. In the subsequent mid-term teaching inspection student discussion and exchange, the class committee of all majors and grades made a positive speech, fed back the problems and puzzles encountered in the course learning, and put forward more reasonable suggestions.

The joint committee of teachers and students of Aulin College will regularly organize teaching seminars to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students for independent learning, timely and accurately grasp the whole process of teaching operation, improve the teaching quality assurance system, and promote the smooth development of all teaching work.