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Lei Feng Month | Aulin College successfully carried out the group day activity themed "Promoting Lei Feng Spirit"

Publicize the spirit of Lei Feng

 The College responded positively to the call of the University, and 40 League branches concentrated on relevant theme activities under the guidance of the Aulin Youth League Committee.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the school's epidemic prevention and control work, the college encourages all league branches to organize online and offline activities. In this activity, a total of 6 league branches carried out online learning activities, and the remaining 34 league branches carried out offline theme group day activities.

In the course of the activity, the League branches such as Class 2 of Biology, Grade 2021 organized the students of this class to watch the video of Comrade Lei Feng's life introduction and glorious deeds offline through the combination of theory and practice, and then introduced the new definition of Lei Feng's spirit in the new era background. Finally, through class discussion, the students gained consensus on their thoughts, so as to better practice Lei Feng's spirit in the new era into daily life; At the same time, League branches such as Class 3 of Biology, Grade 2019 and Class 1 of Biology , Grade 2020 explained Lei Feng's spirit in detail in the form of online education, encouraged students to interact with each other, and promoted students' practice and understanding of Lei Feng's spirit. The students also said that they would continue to understand the spirit of voluntary service, inherit the Lei Feng spirit of Chinese youth in the new era, and strive to be the inheritors and practitioners of Lei Feng's spirit in the new era.

Yang Yuxin, Class 2 of Chemistry, Grade 2020, shared: "Lei Feng is not only a name, but also a spirit. His behavior makes us remember him all the time, and his dedication makes us look up to him all the time. Through the study of Lei Feng's theme group day, Lei Feng's spirit of hard work and selfless dedication has infected me, and Lei Feng's story has also deeply touched my heart. I am determined to learn from Comrade Lei Feng, actively integrate into the work of serving the people, and strive to do Lei Feng style student cadres constantly contribute to the construction of the college. "

Through this theme group day activity to promote Lei Feng's spirit, all students of Aulin College have carefully studied Lei Feng's spirit and learned from the power of the example. I believe that under the guidance of Lei Feng's spirit, students will take on the mission bravely, never forget their original intention and dedication, so that Lei Feng's spirit will shine a new look in the new era.