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Flag raising ceremony | New atmosphere in the new semester, welcoming the 70th birthday and displaying the Aulin style

On February 28, the first day of the new semester, more than 80 students from Aulin College participated in the flag raising ceremony with the theme of "forge ahead, green water and green mountains". Under the national flag, the honor guard team is neat and uniform, and the members are energetic and brave, waiting for the start of the flag raising ceremony with full attitude.

The flag raising ceremony was presided over by Li Yuhang, a student from AulinCollege. As the host announced the official start of the national flag raising ceremony with the theme of "forge ahead, green water and green mountains", the national flag honor guard took a firm step out of the flag.

The magnificent national anthem sounded in my ears, and the bright five-star red flag rose slowly with the rising sun of the new semester. All teachers and students attending the flag raising ceremony paid attention to the flag, expressing their respect and love for the motherland and their alma mater.

Among the members of the honor guard of the flag raising ceremony

There are two students fromAulinCollege

They are guarding the national flag

Heroic and spirited

Students attending the flag raising ceremony

Is also guarding the rising of the five-star red flag

Let's listen to them

Liu Zhengyi, a member of the National Flag Honor Guard and a member of Class 2 of Chemistry,Grade 2020 of Aulin College, said: "Today is the first day of school. I was lucky to participate in the national flag raising ceremony with the theme of" forge ahead, green water and green mountains "as a member of the Honor Guard. Wearing military uniforms, I walked to the National Flag Platform and watched the national flag rising. Guarding the national flag gives me not only great honor, but also unlimited responsibility. In the new semester, a new starting point, a new beginning and a new expectation, I will continue to inherit and carry forward the will and character of NEFU students to "forge ahead", adhere to the persistent pursuit of NEFU Students to "green water and green mountains", live up to the oath under the national flag in the new semester, shoulder the youth mission bravely, and interpret the youth power ofNEFUstudents with their own practical actions! "

Members of the National Flag Honor Guard, Yin Zecheng from Class 3 Biotechnology, Grade 2020 of Aulin College said: "At the beginning of school, I put on my military uniform again to complete the ceremony of raising the flag at the beginning of school. With the sound of the command, our steps changed from one step to another. Each step was the result of our hard training, and each step was our love for our motherland. Even if we walked on the road of ice and snow, our soul was always hot because of our belief in protecting the national flag. Even if the road would be full of thorns and dangers, as long as I We will continue to forge ahead and eventually encounter beautiful scenery ahead. "

Li Hao, Class 3 of Computer Science and Technology, Grade 2020 , who took part in the flag raising ceremony, said: "On the first day of school, I was lucky to attend the flag raising ceremony. Looking at the red flag raised, my heart was filled with pride and emotion. As time flies, I have been in NEFU for two years. In the new semester, I should practice the spirit ofNEFU, study hard, and contribute to the construction of my alma mater for 70 years!"

Aulin Students took a serious attitude in this national flag raising ceremony, but they did not lose the unique vitality of young people. They knew their mission and vowed to contribute to the prosperity of NEFU. In the loud and clear voice of the national anthem, the teachers and students of Olympian fully expressed their deep blessings to the motherland.

Today, Aulin Students under the national flag express their wishes for their alma mater's 70th birthday in their own way. At the beginning of the new semester, twoAulin Students, as members of the national flag honor guard, guarded the five-star red flag. As we grow and progress together with our alma mater, we also usher in a new semester. As time goes by, theAulin Studentskeep their original intention and remain steadfast; Facing the future,Aulin Students will work hard to create a brilliant future.