Northeast Forestry University
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About the Aulin College

The Aulin College, jointly established by the Northeast Forestry University of China and the University of Auckland, New Zealand, is a Sino-foreign cooperative education institution of non-independent legal person approved by the Ministry of Education in accordance with the Regulations on Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools and the implementation measures (License No.: MOE23NZA02DNR20191977N). The college is affiliated to the Northeast Forestry University (NEFU), and is located on NEFU campus.

With the aim of absorbing the excellent educational resources and improving the quality of personnel training, and taking quality-based, innovation-oriented, global vision, and pursuit of excellence as the core concept of the development, the Aulin College, deeply integrating the advanced educational concept and the excellent educational resources of the Sino-foreign sides, implements the international system of running schools, innovates and explores the training of top and innovative personnel, the first-class faculty recruitment and management, and the interdisciplinary training in order to cultivate the excellent professionals with international vision, innovative spirit and practical ability.

The college offers three undergraduate(bachelor) programs in computer science and technology, biotechnology, and chemistry, as well as a graduate(master) program in ecology. The total enrollment is 1,200, including 285 students recruited each year in the four-year undergraduate program, and 20 students (10 students in the program, and the other 10 enrolled independently) in the three-year graduate program.

The personnel training plan and syllabus jointly formulated by the Sino-foreign parties will be strictly implemented by the Aulin College. In the programs offered by the Aulin College, the courses and the professional core courses absorbed from the University of Auckland account for more than one-third of all courses and core courses. The number of the professional core courses and the teaching hours undertaken by foreign teachers account for more than one-third of the total number of courses and all teaching hours. The Aulin College will strictly implement the quality assurance standards for undergraduate teaching of ordinary higher education institutions promulgated by the Chinese government and the framework system for higher education quality standards formulated by the New Zealand government so as to ensure the quality of personnel training.