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1. What are the differences between the Aulin College and other colleges of the Northeast Forestry University? What are its advantages?

The Aulin College is similar to other colleges of the NEFU in terms of student applicants, diploma and certificatesgranted. However, by absorbing the advanced educational concepts and practices from the top universities in the world, the Aulin College is innovative in the aspects of teacher recruitment, training mode, curriculum, teaching methods, student management, and internationalized learning experience. The curriculum system, teaching materials, teaching methods and requirements maintain the relevant professional standard of the University of Auckland.

In the Aulin College, Knowledge will be transferred from shallow to deep. And interdisciplinary knowledge covering a wide range, and close to the scientific research frontier will be provided, so that students can study further or work in a broader field after graduation. The Aulin College focuses on stimulating students’ professional interests and innovation potential, and training students to develop problem-solving skills, innovative thinking, critical thinking, teamwork, communication and organizational leadership. The graduates will boastthe strong professional background, excellent bilingual ability, and cross-cultural communication capability, which are conducive to their further study and employment. Most of the courses are offered bilingually or in full English, and the original English textbooks are applied to enable students to experience a diverse and international academic atmosphere.

2. What are the characteristics of the cooperative cultivation mode of the Aulin College? What kind of degree is awarded upon graduation?

The most outstanding featuresof the Aulin College areits aim, development concept, and the "4 + 0" or "3 + 2" training mode.

With the aim of absorbing the excellent educational resources and improving the quality of personnel training, and taking quality-based, innovation-oriented, global vision, and pursuit of excellence as the core concept of the development, the Aulin College, deeply integrating the advanced educational concept and the excellent educational resources of the Sino-foreign sides, implements the heuristic and inquiry-based teaching modes to enhance students' innovative thinking and cultivate the excellent professionals with international vision, innovative spirit and practical ability.

The undergraduate programs adopt the “4+0” or “3+2” cultivation modes. The “4+0” mode requires the applicants to complete the four-year programs in NEFU so as to obtain graduation certificates and bachelor degrees, whereas the “3+2” mode demands that undergraduate students study in NEFU for three years and in the University of Auckland for two years. The graduates will earn college diplomas awarded by NEFU and the master degree of science conferred by the University of Auckland.

To build a high-level faculty with reference to the faculty recruitment and promotion standard of the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

To develop a curriculum system and teaching plan based on the actual situation in China, with reference to the curriculum system and training mode of the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

Bilingual or full English teaching mode, immersive international atmosphere and high-quality international learning and communication opportunities will provide students with a diverse international learning experience.

3. Does the Aulin College have any requirement for applicants’ English competence? Can they adapt to the bilingual or full English teaching after being enrolled?

There is no special requirement for applicants’ English scores in the National College Entrance Examination, but it is advisable for candidates to get higher than 95 points. Lectures of academic English will be given to students by excellent foreign teachers, and students also have the opportunity to continue to learn English language, therefore most of them will adapt to the bilingual or full English teaching environment only after 1 or 2 semesters.

4. What are the programs of the Aulin College? When can students go abroad?

There are currently three undergraduate programs: Computer Science and Technology, Biotechnology, and Chemistry. The Aulin College offers students an interdisciplinary and diverse learning experience in collaboration with the Faculty of Science at the University of Auckland. If students are in the “3+2” training mode, they can choose to go abroad in the fourth school year.

5. Is it allowed to change the major?

Students are not allowed to change their original major to other major either in the Aulin College or the NEFU.

6. Can students have the opportunity to be recommended postgraduates exempted fromentrance exams?

Students in the “4+0” training mode can apply for admission to be recommended postgraduates after they meet the entrance exam exemptionconditions.

7. Why does the Aulin College charge tuition fees higher than other colleges of the NEFU?

The Aulin College absorbs the training concept of international famous universities and employs high-quality teachers from home and abroad. A considerable number of courses are taught by the teachers of the University of Auckland. According to the teaching system of the famous international famous universities, advanced seminar classrooms, cloud classrooms, recording and broadcasting classrooms, immersive studying classrooms, and laboratories etc. are established. By absorbing the advanced educational concepts and practices from the top universities in the world, the Aulin College is innovative in the aspects of teacher recruitment, training mode, curriculum, teaching methods, student management, and internationalized learning experience. The curriculum system, teaching materials, teaching methods and requirements maintain the relevant professional standard of the University of Auckland. Therefore, the cost of running the Aulin College is higher than that of the other colleges. At present, the tuition fee of the Aulin College of the NEFU is only one-third of that in the New Zealand, so the Aulin College is more cost-effective.

8. What are the scholarships offered by the Aulin College?

The outstanding students of the Aulin College can apply forthe National Scholarship, the National Scholarship for Encouragement, the “Hands-on” Scholarship for Encouragement, the “Very Care” Scholarship Sponsored by the China Southern Airline, the “Hands-on” Scholarship, the “Aochen” International Education Exchange Fund offered by the Northeast Forestry University etc.The students who choose to study at the University of Auckland can apply for the scholarship of the University of Auckland during their stay, which will be 5,000 New Zealand Dollars per person each year.

9. Why is it advisable to choose the Aulin College instead of going abroad to study?

The university stage is a crucial period for the formation of students’ outlook on life, world and value. Because of the differences in educational systems and training concepts at home and abroad, high school graduates going abroad to study directly may have difficulties in language, self-learning and management, and cultural understanding etc. The international training mode of the Aulin College can help students smoothly get used to the college life, and lay a sound foundation for studying abroad later.

10. What if you have other questions?

Please call 0451-82190346 or 0451-82190799 for admission consultation.

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