Northeast Forestry University
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Notice on the Selection and Registration of 2020 Undergraduate Students in Aulin Collge

Dear Freshmen of grade 2020:

In order to speed up the process of internationalization of our university's education, expand the radiation function of cooperative projects, improve the comprehensive benefits of cooperative education, expand the scope of benefits, share high-quality educational resources, so that students can fully obtain the experience of internationalization, cross-cultural and globalization, and carry out effective and dynamic management on the enrollment of students who have not registered in the major of Aulin College. According to the requirements of the administrative measures for the on campus selection of graduate students (Trial) (Donglin Xiaojiao [2019] No. 30), the enrollment of 2020 undergraduate students in Aulin College is being carried out.

Selection object

1. Selection object: all the science and Engineering Freshmen whose foreign language is English in 2020.

The types of programs include art majors, high-level athletes, non Tibetan students seeking employment in Tibet, separate Southern Xinjiang plan, inland Tibet class, Xinjiang senior high school class, ethnic minority preparatory class, and students who have been admitted to Aulin College (including students from Sino-foreign cooperative education programs), etc., except for those who have been enrolled in the college entrance examination reform Province, the selected subjects of undergraduate students in the provinces of college entrance examination reform should meet the requirements of selected subjects.

Selection of major and quota

1. The selected majors are computer science and technology, biotechnology and chemistry of Aulin College.

2. Selection quota: 2 for computer science and technology, 1 for biotechnology and 6 for chemistry.

Selection conditions

1. They Love the motherland, have a high ideological awareness and moral level; They are willing to go abroad, enjoy high-quality educational resources at home and abroad, and have the experience of internationalization, cross-cultural and globalization.

2. Students apply voluntarily. Those who fail to register within the time limit will be regarded as giving up.

3. The selection work is based on students' English selection examination results (50%) and interview Results (accounting for 50%) were comprehensively evaluated and selected according to the number of professional selection.

Registration time

Please fill in the attachment 1 and send it to our email at the same time, submit a paper copy of the application form to the office 607 of Aulin College from September 21 to October 5, 2020.

Supervision and restriction

The selection work adheres to the principles of fair competition, fair selection, openness and transparency. An on campus selection and evaluation working group for undergraduates of Aulin College is established to be responsible for organizing and implementing the selection work, publicizing the list of students to be admitted, and submitting the list of admitted students without objection to the Academic Affairs Office for record.

Other matters

1. After the admission students sign the confirmation letter, the student status shall be transferred to Aulin College according to relevant regulations, and shall not be transferred out of Aulin College during the period of school.

2. The enrolled students shall pay tuition fees according to the charging standards of Aulin College.

3. The unexplained matters shall be explained by Aulin College.

Contact information

Tel: 82190867, 82190822

Contact person: Ms. Liu, Ms. Yan

Academic affairs office of Aulin College

September 21, 2020