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Introduction to the independent recruitment of doctoral candidates in 2021 of Aulin IGI programmeof Northeast Forestry University

1、Brief introduction ofAulin IGIprogrammeof Northeast Forestry University

TheAulinIGI programmeof Northeast Forestry University (NEFU IGI) is a scientific research and high-level personnel training institute established at home and abroad, which is subordinate to Northeast Forestry University and relies onAulinCollege of Northeast Forestry University to carry out various work. The Institute aims to establish an international research center for smart forestry, forest source chemistry and materials with overseas high-level universities, including the University of Auckland in New Zealand, the University of Western Australia in Australia, the University of science and technology in Sydney, and James Cook University In the field of advanced materials, joint scientific research and graduate level joint training are carried out. The institute undertakes the overseas registration, management and teaching of joint doctoral students, as well as the high-end talent introduction task of recruiting high-quality overseas graduate students forNEFU. Under this framework, students will receive the training of joint doctoral program and the joint guidance of Chinese and foreign doctoral supervisors, study and research in China and overseas, and those who meet the graduation conditions can obtain the doctoral degree from overseas high-level universities.

2、Introduction of Northeast Forestry University

Northeast Forestry University is a national "211 Project" and "double first-class" construction university with the advantages of forestry and the characteristics of forestry engineering. It is under the management of the Ministry of education. Located in Harbin, the center of China's largest state-owned forest region, it has teaching, scientific research and practice bases such as Maoershan Experimental Forest Farm (Maoershan Forest Park) and Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm (Liangshui National Nature Reserve), with a total area of 33000 hectares.

The university has two world-class construction disciplines of forestry engineering and forestry, four domestic first-class construction disciplines of ecology, the comprehensive reform pilot specialty of the Ministry of education of computer science and technology, six key disciplines of the State Forestry Administration of the people's Republic of China, the national outstanding engineers and outstanding agriculture and Forestry Talents Education and training program pilot schools, and the deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education demonstration University of the Ministry of education, The national base of practice education, innovation and entrepreneurship in Colleges and universities. At present, the school has five disciplines including botany and zoology, agricultural science, chemistry, materials science and engineering, which have entered the ESI global ranking of 1%.

3、Enrollment program

(1)Enrollment program

Joint training program

School system arrangement


research center

NEFU University of Auckland (UOA) joint doctoral program

The first and third years were in NEFU and the rest in UOA

Ecology, chemistry, computer science and technology,biology

International Research Center for smart forestry; International Research Center forForestChemistry andMaterials

NEFU James Cook University (JCU) joint doctoral program

The first 0.5 years and the last year were in JCU, and the rest were in NEFU

Mechanical engineering, ecology, civil engineering, chemistry, advanced materials, life science

International Research Center forForest Chemistry andMaterials

NEFU UWA joint doctoral program

The first 0.5 years and the last year were in UWA, and the rest were in NEFU

Molecular science, biotechnology, biochemistry,bio-medicine, etc

International Research Center forForestChemistry andMaterials

(2)Co-training tutor

The mentors ofAulinIGI programmeand cooperative university will be published separately on the official website ofAulinIGI programme.

(3)Training objectives

Cultivate high-level professionals with good political and ideological quality and professional ethics, familiar with the domestic and foreign research status and cutting-edge trends of the professional research field, independent scientific research and innovative achievements, skilled use of modern technology, and adapt to the development needs of forestry and ecological construction with international vision and international competitiveness.

4、Educational system

The basic length of schooling for the independent recruitment of doctoral students ofAulinIGI programmeis four years. Eligible students will be registered as students of foreign cooperative university and enter the doctoral degree program of cooperative university

(1)After receiving the doctor admission notice from the cooperative university and the notice from theAulin IGIprogramme, the students take a half year study of the doctor qualification program (DQP) in theAulin IGIprogrammeof Northeast Forestry University, including academic English, research skills and research methods, data analysis, design thinking and a professional course;

(2)Students who have successfully completed the DQP course will formally enter the doctoral program, and will carry out about 3.5 years of research under the joint guidance of the tutors ofAulinIGI programmeand the cooperative university. During this period, they can choose to go to the cooperative university for 12-24 months of doctoral research exchange.

5、Enrollment objects and conditions

(1)Academic requirements (one of the following conditions is met)

1) Personnel who have obtained master's degree from Chinese universities;

2) Fresh graduates of relevant majors (Master's degree must be obtained at the latest before entering the University);

3) Honors degree from Commonwealth National University with excellent results.

Note: "outstanding achievement" is defined as the level equivalent to the honorary degree of a four-year Commonwealth University, including the achievement of outstanding scientific research achievements in the fourth year to obtain an honorary degree at level 1 or level 2A.

(2)Language requirements

DQP admission requirements IELTS (Academic) average score should not be less than 6.0, single score should not be less than 5.5. If there is no IELTS score or the score is not up to the standard, you need to take an English test and interview before entering the school, and decide whether you need to participate in the language training course according to the test results. Those who pass the language test will be admitted to the DQP program after passing the direct entry program (DEP) examination and obtaining the dep certificate.

6、Fees and grants


1. The entrance language test is free

2. Language course tuition: 380 Australian dollars / week

3. Dep examination fee: 600 Australian dollars

4. DQP tuition is $16000 per student

5. The tuition fee for doctoral degree is based on the standard of cooperative university;

6. Other expenses:

1) During the semester ofAulinIGI programme, the accommodation fee is charged according to the current year's accommodation standard for doctoral students of Northeast Forestry University, which is generally 1200 yuan (RMB) / peryear;

2) International transportation expenses are borne by students themselves;

3) The living expenses (board and lodging, transportation and purchase of professional books, etc.) during the overseas period shall be borne by the students themselves;

4) Overseas insurance and medical expenses shall be borne by students themselves;

5) The cost of applying for overseas visa shall be borne by the students themselves.


1. Cooperative universities offer full or partial tuition scholarships.

2. Excellent students will have the opportunity to obtain the scholarship of theAulin IGI programme.

3. Students who meet the requirements have the opportunity to apply for the living allowance of the China study abroad fund (CSC).

7、Certificates and academic records

Students who have successfully completed the doctoral program and meet the assessment requirements will be awarded the doctoral degree certificate of the cooperative university, and can apply for degree certification in the service center for studying abroad of the Ministry of education.

8、Recruitment methods

This doctoral enrollment adopts the way of independent enrollment. Applicants need to pass the preliminary examination of materials and the interview assessment ofAulinIGI programme, focusing on the examination of students' basic quality and research ability.

9、Application process

(1)Qualified applicants fill in the intention form and submit relevant personal information.

The materials submitted include:

1) Application form ofAulinIGI programmefor doctoral degree in 2021;

2) Original academic transcripts of undergraduate and postgraduate students;

3) Copies of undergraduate diploma, bachelor's degree certificate, master's degree certificate and degree certificate;

4) English Language Proficiency Certificate (such as CET-4 / 6, IELTS, TOEFL, etc.);

5) Resume;

6) Other materials that can prove the level and ability of scientific research;

7) Research plan (the requirements are equivalent to the requirements for doctoral application of cooperative university).

Put all the electronic documents of the above application materials in a compressed folder and send them to the designated mailbox: Aulin_ , and callAulinIGI programmeto confirm whether the email was sent successfully.

The compressed file name is: Applicant Name + subject. Please leave your mobile phone number in the email to inform the comprehensive assessment.

(2)The working group of independent recruitment of doctoral students ofAulinIGI programmeorganizes the material review group to review all the applicants' materials, and determines the list of candidates to participate in the comprehensive assessment according to the comprehensive evaluation results, and informs the applicants to participate in the interview assessment.

(3)After passing the examination, those who meet all the requirements will be admitted directly, and those who meet some of the requirements will be admitted conditionally.

(4)Application deadline: August 23, 2021

(5)Interview time: to be announced.

10、Recruitment consultation hotline

Office Tel: 0451-82190867; 0451-82190799, contact Mr. Liu and Mr. Li.

  • Attach:【Application Form.doc】DownloadTime: