Northeast Forestry University
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Notice on international lecture week of high-level international talent training project

Dear undergraduate and graduate students

In March 2021, our university was approved as the base construction unit of the "high-level international talent training innovation practice project" of the Ministry of education. In order to promote the cultivation of high-level international talents with national feelings and enable students to have an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of international organizations and the career of international civil servants, Olin college will hold an online international lecture week from November 25 to 28. The lecture schedule and registration method are as follows:

Lecture time





QQ meeting


Song Yunfu

International Organization for cultivating national conditions and pursuing dreams -- Discussion on global governance from the new crown of global resistance

18:00-19:30, November 25

752 285 923


Wu Yugang

Enhance international vision based on Global Governance

18:00-19:30, November 26

459 569 930


Hu Qiyuan

Towards the United Nations and the necessary capacity

19:00-20:30, November 27

746 547 054


Yang Fuwen

Scientific research and personal competitiveness of College Students

18:00-19:30, November 28

278 780 007

registration method

Wechat scans the QR code below, fills in the name, mobile phone number and grade professional class, and then clicks "submit registration". The specific registration consultation Tel.: 0451-82190867. All students are welcome to sign up for the meeting.


【Lecture Guest】

Director Song Yunfu 18:00-19:30, November 25

Director Wu Yugang 18:00-19:30, November 26

Hu Qiyuan 19:00-20:30, November 27

Mr. Yang Fuwen 18:00-19:30, November 28

Aulin College

November 23, 2021