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Notice on the Conclusion and Establishment of the 2022 Aulin College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program

According to the requirements of the Notice on Carrying out the Initiation and Acceptance of the 2022 Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, the Undergraduate Scientific Research Training Program and the Project Closure, and in combination with the work arrangement of our institute, we hereby notify the following matters related to the initiation of the 2022 Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program and the 2021 Project Closure:

1、Final acceptance

The innovation and entrepreneurship training programs for college students at all levels that have been completed according to the project establishment plan in 2021 can be applied for conclusion.

(1)Requirements for acceptance of innovative training project

1. The college will establish an acceptance expert group to carry out the final acceptance of the 2021 innovation training program for college students at all levels.

2. The project leader shall fill in the project closing report and summarize the project implementation. In principle, the project leader shall make a reply. In case of special circumstances, an application shall be submitted, and the team members shall replace it after the approval of the college. The project leader shall defend the research process, financial implementation, division of labor and cooperation of team members, guidance of tutors, main achievements and gains of the project, difficulties and suggestions in the research work, etc.

3. The college will select excellent projects and recommend them to the school to participate in the annual innovation and entrepreneurship conference.

4.Submissions and Requirements

Each project leader shall submit a closing report (one paper version and one electronic version) to the College before May 13. The electronic version is named by "Abbreviation of the College+project level (national, provincial, university level)+project number". The supporting materials of relevant achievements shall be bound after the closing report. And fill in the relevant information of the project summary table. (Attachment 1)

(2)Requirements for completion and acceptance of entrepreneurship training and entrepreneurship practice projects

1. The project leader shall fill in the Closing Report of Northeast Forestry University College Students' Entrepreneurship Incubation Project (Appendix 1), summarize the implementation of the project, and in principle, the project leader shall make a reply. The reply shall be reported in a PPT speech within 6 minutes. If there are special circumstances, an application can be made, and the team members shall replace it after the approval of the school. The project leader shall defend the research process, financial implementation, division of labor and cooperation of team members, guidance of tutors, main achievements and gains of the project, difficulties and suggestions in the research work, etc.

2. Submission of materials and requirements

(1) A paper version and an electronic version of the final report approved by the instructor (Appendix 1), of which the electronic version is named by "entrepreneurial training (or entrepreneurial practice)+college abbreviation+project level (national, provincial, school level)+name of the person in charge". Relevant achievement supporting materials shall be bound after the closing report.

(2) The electronic version of the summary table (Annex 1).

(3) Entrepreneurial training and entrepreneurial practice project teams need to submit relevant materials for conclusion before May 11. The paper version should be submitted to Room 605 ofAulinCollege, and the electronic version should be sent to。

2、Project initiation

(1)Initiation of innovative training program for college students

The innovation training plan project is to independently complete the design of innovative research projects, the preparation of research conditions and project implementation, the writing of research reports, and the exchange of achievements (academic) under the guidance of tutors by supporting the undergraduate team with excellent character and learning and strong scientific research potential.

1. Applicant

(1) All undergraduate students of our college can apply for financial aid

(2) The applicants shall be in the project team, with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5.

(3) Students of different grades and majors can form teams to apply, and the project belongs to the school of the project leader.

2. Application conditions

(1) Applicants must be excellent in both character and study and have spare time in learning.

(2) The application team or individual shall not cross apply between innovation and entrepreneurship projects in the same period.

(3) Students participating in the 2022 Innovation Training Program are allowed to host or participate in only one project.

(4) Those who have participated in the project and obtained project funding and have not completed the project shall not participate in the application.

(5) Students with termination or withdrawal records of college students' innovative training program shall not apply for or participate in new college students' innovative training program.

(6) The established undergraduate scientific research training program shall not be applied for the undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship training program.

3. Number of projects and funding standards.

The 2022 Innovation Training Program has been approved by the College: 8 national, 12 provincial and 16 university level programs. Number of professional quotas: 2 at national level; 3 at provincial level; 4 items at school level.

The specific number of projects approved will be determined by the college evaluation expert group according to the project characteristics and actual needs of the project. After the level is determined, an application form for establishing the innovation training plan for college students shall be filled in separately.

For the specific funding amount of each national, provincial and school level innovation training program, see the Annex "Administrative Measures ofAulin Collegeon Innovation Training Program for College Students" (Annex 3) for implementation. Among them, the national level projects are divided into general projects and projects in key support areas (see Annex 2 for project guidelines), and the national level project support funds in key support areas are 40000 yuan.

4. Project cycle

The implementation period of the innovation training program is generally one year, and the longest is no more than two years.

5.Submissions and Requirements

The person in charge of each project team is requested to complete a paper version and an electronic version of the Application Form for the Innovation Training Program for College Students (Appendix 2) (naming method: Abbreviation of College - Project Name - Project Leader) before May 13, scan the code or search to join the 2022 Innovation Project Registration Exchange Group (QQ group: 543614427).

(2)Requirements for the establishment of entrepreneurial projects and entrepreneurial practice projects

Entrepreneurial training program is a team of undergraduate students. Under the guidance of tutors, each student in the team plays one or more specific roles in the project implementation process, through the preparation of business plans, carrying out feasibility studies, simulating enterprise operation, participating in enterprise practice, writing entrepreneurship reports and other work.

Entrepreneurial practice project is a team of students. Under the joint guidance of school and enterprise tutors, it adopts the results of the early innovation training project (or innovative practice) to propose an innovative product or service with market prospects, and carries out entrepreneurial practice activities on this basis.

1. Application conditions

(1) The declared projects must be entrepreneurial projects that have or will have products or services and are actually implemented.

(2) The project team members of the students should have good performance and be able to reasonably coordinate their own academic and entrepreneurial activities.

(3) The project team members have excellent moral character, strong sense of social responsibility and business ideal.

(4) Cooperate with the daily management, process tracking, assessment and publicity of the College Students Pioneer Park, and actively participate in various activities and quality development organized by the park.

(5) Under the same conditions, entrepreneurial projects of registered companies are preferred.

(6) The project teams that have been selected in previous years will not apply repeatedly.

2. Project cycle

The implementation period of the entrepreneurship training program is generally 1 year, and the longest is not more than 2 years; Entrepreneurial practice projects are generally 2 years, with a maximum of 3 years.

3. Declaration requirements

(1) In principle, projects shall be applied by teams. The application team for entrepreneurial training projects shall be up to 5 people, and the application team for entrepreneurial practice projects shall be up to 7 people. Each application project shall be assigned with one person in charge. All members shall not apply for two or more major innovation projects at the same time.

(2) The project instructors must be teachers of our school. In principle, the number of instructors for each project shall not exceed 2.

4. Application procedure

Under the guidance of the instructor, the applicant carefully fills in the application form, and the school organizes the review to determine whether the project is approved, the corresponding level and the amount of funding. The school will give grants ranging from 3000-100000 yuan according to the grade.

5. Incubation

(1) Entrepreneurial training programs and entrepreneurial practice project teams at all levels can give priority to settle in the college students' entrepreneurship park for incubation.

(2) The settled team is free of site rent and water and electricity charges.

(3) Any team with entrepreneurial intention can submit an application for admission to the park (Appendix 2) and a business (business) plan to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, and only those who meet the entry conditions can be approved to settle in.

6.Submissions and Requirements

(1) Each application team needs to summarize and submit to the Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center a paper version and an electronic version (Annex 2) of the project initiation application form approved by the instructor, in which the electronic version of the application form is named in the form of "entrepreneurial project application - college abbreviation - project leader".

(2) Heads of all application teams join the QQ group of "2022 College Students Entrepreneurship Training Program" (group number: 574485809).

(3) Entrepreneurial training and entrepreneurial practice project teams need to submit relevant materials for project initiation before May 11. The paper version should be submitted to Room 605 ofAulinCollege, and the electronic version should be sent to。


1. The teams participating in the innovation and entrepreneurship competition and the "youth red dream building trip" activity will be given priority under the same conditions.

2. Each project team can carry out innovative research according to the national economic and social development and major strategic needs.

3. All kinds of project teams approved this year need to participate in the "Internet plus" Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition this year or next as part of the final acceptance.

4. Please carefully prepare the PPT. The time for the conclusion of the innovation training and the project initiation defense is tentatively scheduled to May 18, and the specific time and defense method will be notified separately.

5. Carefully read the Administrative Measures ofAulinCollege on the Innovation Training Program for College Students (Annex 3) and make a reasonable declaration.

6. The electronic version of application closing and project approval materials shall be sent to the email address:

The paper version shall be submitted to Aulin 605 and Teacher Li 82190857.

April 8, 2022