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Publicity of the proposed recommendation of Aulin College on the May 4th competition in 2021

Aulin College's May 4th competition in 2021

Publicity of proposed recommendation

According to the Notice of the Communist Youth League Northeast Forestry University Committee on Applying for Awards such as "Outstanding Communist Youth League Member" and "Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre" in 2021, and in accordance with the Regulations on the Selection of "May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee (General Branch of the Communist Youth League)", "May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch", "Outstanding Communist Youth League Member" and "Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre" of Northeast Forestry University (Trial), and the Measures for the Selection and Commendation of "Youth May 4th Medal" of Northeast Forestry University Relevant provisions in the Measures for the Selection and Commendation of the "Top Ten College Students" of Northeast Forestry University (see the 2021 edition of the Student Handbook) shall be applied for and selected. The proposed candidates are publicized as follows:

Outstanding Communist Youth League members (55)

Xu Yi, Meng Jie, Jiao Yifan and Ruihang

Fu Tianjian, Xie Yuyang, Prince Tian Gao, Mingjie

Huang Yuxiang, Wang Zihao, Qingjiru Ma, Yang Chen

Ningxia Kong Jingyi, Zong Shurui, Huo Junru

Zhang Jindong, Zhao Yuzhou, Ren Yilin, Zhao Zhuoya

Guo Yuechen, Pan Junyu, Fan Xiaochun, Yang Jinghua

Fu Shikun, Xi Ziqi, Wang Yashuai, Han Mingyu

Guo Jiaxu, Zhang Ziyuan, Hu Xinze, Qin Zhili

Xia Yuxuan Zhu Jiaxian, Li Lin, Yang Zihan

Liu Xinyu, Jing Yibo, Zhang Wen, Liu Jiale

Chai Zichun believes that King Xin Xi Zi Pan Ziwei

Li Ruoqi, Jin Siyu, Ma Yuan, Pang Bo

Cui Yuhan, Sun Jiaxiang, Guo Shuning, Chen Feng Qianrui

Gongye Jingxian Xie Yushuang Li Yiling

Outstanding Communist Youth League cadres (15)

Wang Chenghao, Wang Jiajing, Bai Yihan, Yu Jingwen

Zhao Yijun, Fu Qiang, Liu Guantong, Bloomberg

Liu Yan, Zheng Zefei, Li Yilong, Zhang Jiaqi

Xiao Han, Dong Yi, Ruan Ying

May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch (2)

Engineering Management Class 2021 Class 2 Youth League Branch

Youth League Branch of Class 1, Grade 2020, Biotechnology

Model League Cadre (1 person)

Liu Hongliang

Top 10 college students (1 person)

Xinxin (Youth League Branch of Class 1, Grade 2019, Biotechnology Major)

Youth May 4th Medal (1 person)

Zheng Zefei (League Branch of Class 2, Grade 2019, Chemistry Major)

Advanced individuals (3 persons) in the online theme group lesson of "Youth Learning"

Meng Jie (Group Branch of Class 3, Grade 2021, Computer Science and Technology Major)

Liu Jiaming (League Branch of Class 1, Grade 2019, Chemistry)

Liu Yan (League Branch of Class 2, Grade 2019, Chemistry)

Advanced group (1) of "Youth Great Learning" online theme group lesson:

Group Branch of Class 3, Grade 2020, Computer Science and Technology Major

Publicity time: March 31 - April 2, 2022

If you have any objection, please contact Liu Hongliang with your real name:
