The long-awaited tug-of-war kicked off in the basketball court. As a college with only 270 students, the Aulin College displayed shocking explosive force. The excellent performance is indispensable from everyone's sweats during selecting members, practicing, and discussing over strategies.

On the field, after the commander sending a signal to kick off, all the students shouted “hei” at each exertion, as agreed in advance. 16 participants were touching the heats of the rest in the Aulin College who hold their breath, exerted their strength at the same time and determined not to retreat in the face of more powerful teams, pain and defeat.

“When people are of one mind and heart, they can move Mt. Tai”. In the first round, the Aulin College entered the quarter-finals after beating the school of Civil Engineering with 2-0. However, in the fight for the top four, they lost to the College of Economics and Management after defeating the College of Engineering and Technology with 2-1. Nevertheless, the students of the Aulin College demonstrated the fine quality of unity and cooperation in this competition.