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Liu Zhiming

Li Zhiming is a doctor of engineering, professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the Instrument Functional Materials Society of China, and a member of the Forest Chemical Industry Branch of the China Forestry Society. He is also an editor of theBiomass Chemical EngineeringandChina Wild Plant Resources. He has won 1 Science and Technology Progress Award granted by the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Achievements Award of Heilongjiang Province twice. He has published more than 120 papers in the foreign and domestic academic journals, like the Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, J. Wood Chemistry and Technology, Wood and Fiber Science, J. of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, and the International J. of Polymer Sci. etc. He is the chief editor of 4 monographs, 3 textbooks, and the key editor of theFibre Chemistry and Technology(ISBN978-952-5216-41-7) published by the Finnish Paper Engineers Association in 2011. He has been authorized 14 patents, and made Keynote Speeches in many international conferences. He gives lectures on the Foundation of Material Science, Material Chemistry, Specialty English, Biomass Material Chemical Preparation Technology, and some other undergraduate and graduate courses. He has presided over 15 scientific research projects at the national, provincial and ministerial level. In 2002 and 2008, he went to the Canadian National Institute of Forest Products and Industry Technology (FPInnovations) and the Institute of Chemical Engineering of Åbo Akademi University in Finland. His main research interests are nano-cellulose, lignin and other natural polymer materials, and biomass material chemistry. In 2010, he worked as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee in the People’s Government of Jishi Town, Jingjiang City of Jiangsu Province for one year. He has served as the head of material chemistry at the School of Material Science and Engineering, assistant to the dean, and deputy director of the Teaching Affairs Office. In May 2019, he was appointed as the Dean of the Aulin College of the Northeast Forestry University.